Friday, October 16, 2009

Household MAJOR AGERS! (part 1 of 2)

Once again- I can't believe how FAST the week went by... Here is my promised fab 5 Friday post!

Beware of these 5 aging dangers that are lingering in YOUR home! Some of them might surprise you! I know they surprised ME!

1) Cleaning products that contain Bleach... It can actually get into your body through your skin and lungs. Solution? Clean with White vinegar & baking soda. Works just as well and won't irritate skin or increase symptoms of asthma.

2) Mosquito Repellent: Instead, enjoy Citronella Candles... & Clean up the junk that may be attracting the pests. And always avoid leaving large pools of stale water in your yard.

3) Soap. Soap? Really? Soaps that contain fragrances & chemicals can be very hard on your skin- stripping away your skins natural moisturizers. Always purchase PH balanced soap

4) BBQ Sauce- It might as well be on the dessert menu. Loaded with High Fructose Sugar, your body turns it right to FAT! And watch out for other items that contain this sugar in disguise.

5) Canned Frosting.... Mmmm... Frosting... Food manufactures add Trans fats to many foods to prolong the shelf life but Trans fats + Trans fats = heart death. Always, always, always buy items that don't contain Trans Fats.

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