Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Would you do it again?".... hummm...

So I got a text the other night (actually my husband did) from one of our friends asking about the HCG diet- apparently his wife was looking into it... And he asked "knowing what you know now...Would you do it again?"... hummm... to be honest, I had to really think about it! My ultimate answer "I WOULD do it again... but I don't know if I COULD do it again!"

Have you ever noticed that the FIRST time you do a diet/workout program it's a LOT easier then if you ever try and do it again? (or is it just me!?!?) I think about how hard the first week is on the HCG- headaches, irritable, hungry and I just don't know if I COULD do it again. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO GLAD I did it the first time. I was able to lose ALL the baby weight in record time but I just don't know if i could do it again.

I think my apprehension is partly to do with my workout regimen. I have been able to get a lot stronger and have worked really hard to tone up and increase my strength & endurance and I KNOW that I would not be able to keep that up. And yeah, I could probably lose 10 more lbs if I did HCG again but I wouldn't be surprised to see that 10 lbs sneak RIGHT BACK ON as soon as I return to regular eating & exercising. And let's face it peeps- you can only fight your body so much... ultimately your body is going to settle in where's it's comfortable- whether it be a size 6 or a size 12. And for me it's a size 8. And even then, I still have to watch what I eat and workout 6 days a week...We have to all just except who we are and stop trying to be something we're not (like a size 2!) Sometimes I should listen to my own advice! he he he! BUT with that said- we can all strive to be the BEST/STRONGEST/HEALTHIEST we can BE!

love your HCGuts!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that you post this. I did 6 weeks of hcg and then took almost 2 months off and now I'm on my 6th week again and still have another week and I realized that I can do 4 weeks with no problems but once I get into the 5th week it's super hard for me. I'm not at my goal, but I'm going to go through the summer and try to eat right and work out and see how close I can get on my own, but at the end of the summer if I'm not there yet I will probably do 4 more weeks because I know that's easy.
