Friday, January 16, 2009

Still alive...

Hello. No, I am not speaking to you from the great beyond, I'm still alive and frankly, feeling quite well! I went back into the Doc's this morning and the good news is the cholesterol has gone down but that bad news is that it's still considered high. This is just shocking to me. I have now lost all the baby weight and high cholesterol does not run in my family. It's frustrating. They are going to fax the results to my primary care physician to get his opinion. I also found out that my thyroid is while still within the normal range is on the low end- which sucks. And apparently I have some kind of low-grade infection in my body... somewhere. So hopefully my regular doc will be able to get everything under control (with out RX drugs!)

I just spoke w/my Nurse Practitioner at my OB's office and she's not too concerned. She told me to take a Omega 3 complex everyday and get more exercise (which I will after protocol) so that's reassuring that she is not too concerned... She said they will test it again in about 6-9 months to see where we're at.

Now on to the best news of the day... I was down -1.4 this morning! Whhaa-Hoooo! I am now in "new numbers" and only 4.2 lbs away from my BIRTHDAY/ULTIMATE GOAL!!! I'm pretty happy!

Yesterday I went shopping for new jeans- something I normally dread. But I am so excited to report that I bought 3 pairs (ouch!) in a size 6!!!! Holla'!!! I had intentions of only buying one pair but they were so cute and I was so happy that the 6's fit that I splurged! It's been a few years since I bought some really cute (expensive) jeans so I deserve it, right? ; )

I can not even expect a loss tomorrow. After such a huge loss this morning I can't seriously expect to see another. In fact- I wouldn't be surprised to see a slight gain either. Hopping that's not the case but we'll see!

Have a great night & weekend!~


  1. I love your blog. I just read through all your posts and was laughing so hard. You are a great writer.
    I hope you make it to your goal by your 30th b-day and fitting into size 6 jeans is awesome. Congrats!!!!

  2. Hey! Thank you for stopping by and reading my bolg! I find that blogging keeps me motivated to stay on track (especially now that I know people are actually reading it!)

    I'll swing by and check you out too!

    Stop by frequently- I try and blog everyday. Can't guarantee it will be clever or funny!

    Keep up the great work!
